Finding an Auto Accident Lawyer

Hoping that this would never to you but if you should figure in an auto accident, there is a big chance you may suffer from injuries. The most common of these injuries are cut and bruises. In many cases, this may result from an impact to the head with the steering wheel. About the passenger, bruising and trauma to the head or face may result from an impact with the dashboard or of the front seat (with respect to passengers seated in the back).

Broken glass can also cause serious lacerations in many parts of the body, not just to the face. Because of the inescapable shattering of the glass, this may result in deep cuts or disfigurement.

Broken bones are also a common thing that may result in an auto accident. Fractures in the arms, legs, and ribs may result as when the car is figured in a collision. In addition, there may also be facial and dental fractures resulting in the impact.

Massive damage to the muscles and ligaments may also accompany the injuries mentioned above. Soft tissues in the face or hands, in particular, are likely to incur serious damage, resulting in an inhibition of its function.

Of course, we cannot discount the possibility of internal injuries especially when the impact is very powerful. Bleeding or damage to the lungs, stomach, and heart are typical internal injuries after an auto accident.

Injuries to the neck and spine as well as traumatic brain injury are also likely to be inescapable in a massive car collision. Whiplash, which can occur even in low-speed impact, can result in permanent disability.

Compensation For Injuries Sustained In An Auto Accident

The victim is entitled to receive compensation for injuries sustained because of the offender’s wrongful or negligent acts. One form of compensation is by way of payment of medical bills.

The offender may be required to pay, or reimburse what the victim has paid, all medical expenses linked to the car accident. This may include doctor’s fees, medical exams, treatment, medication, surgery, and a whole lot more.

The offender may also be held liable to pay a certain amount corresponding to the victim’s lost income. This includes lost or diminished earning capacity.

In addition, the offender may be adjudged to pay damages for the pain and suffering caused by the victim. This is compensation for the entire physical and emotional trauma caused.

Trusted Auto Accident Lawyer In St. George

If you or a loved one figured in a car accident, you need to get in touch with an attorney to represent you in pursuing your claim for compensation. For the most trustworthy and reliable auto accident lawyer in St. George, look to Witt Law. Experience highly experienced and compassionate legal representation when you speak with us here at Witt Law. Our auto accident lawyer St. George is ready and able to take on your case. Together we can pursue the offender and make him liable to pay for all the injuries and trauma you sustained because of his or her wrongful or negligent act. When you are in need of an auto accident lawyer St. George, get in touch with us. To schedule your one-on-one consultation with our St. George auto accident attorney, please call us at (435) 673-8400 or 800-GET-WITT (toll-free).