Personal Injury

Got Hit? … Get Witt!
At 1-800-GET WITT
At Witt Law, we have been successfully handling accident and injury cases for over 30 years. We have represented thousands of clients as Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah law firm against virtually all the insurance companies in Utah and many other states.
The sooner you call us … the sooner we can get started. We will help you with your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) claim, property damage claim, medical bills, wage loss, bodily injury claim, and if applicable, your uninsured or underinsured claim. We don’t get paid unless and until we settle your case and you get paid!
Auto Accidents

If you have been in an auto accident then you know how it feels. The worst part about auto accidents though, is that they mark the beginning of a struggle. What that struggle is varies from accident to accident, but some of the most common struggles that stem from auto accidents are injuries, loss of transportation, lost wages, and, in the worst cases, permanent impairment, the struggle to survive, or the death of a loved one.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident, you don’t have to face these challenges on your own. Witt Law handles Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah cases. We have over 30+ years of experience with auto accidents and how to get you the help that you need.
Here are some different types of Auto accidents and why you should consider contacting Witt Law – Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah:
In accident and injury cases it is important to find out who or what was the cause behind the accident. Single-car accidents are classified as automobile accidents where only a single vehicle is involved. While that may seem fairly straightforward, there are many reasons why this type of accident happens, and it isn’t always user error. Faulty mechanics, bad driving conditions, unexpected obstacles in the road, etc. are all things that could cause a driver to lose control or get into a crash. No matter how good your reaction time is, in the moment before an accident there is often very little time for debate and action has to be taken.
If you have been in a single-car accident and have been injured then we invite you to talk to a personal injury attorney St George Utah from Witt Law. At Witt Law, we take single-car accidents seriously and do our best to find out what really happened, so that we can help make sure that you are treated fairly, and get the compensation that you deserve.
Accidents that involve two cars are seen in the form of fender benders, side-impact (T-bone) collisions, head-on collisions, and many more instances where damage is caused to one vehicle by another. In most cases, both vehicles will sustain damage to a degree, and in the worst cases one or both vehicles may end up totaled and their passengers injured or killed. Human injury is highly likely in double-car accidents, and with those injuries comes the important need to get a personal injury attorney St George Utah from Witt Law on your side to support you and help you through the process.
Multiple-car accidents are where more than two cars are involved in the same accident. These accidents usually happen on busier roads like highways or freeways, and it is rare that they happen without injury. In fact, it is much more likely that those involved in a multiple-car accident will receive worse injuries than in a single- or double-car crash, as there is a possibility of the person or their vehicle being hit more than once. Whiplash, for example, can happen repeatedly during a multiple-car accident as the static car is hit by moving vehicles from the same or different angles.
Whether you have been mildly or seriously injured in a multiple-car accident Witt Law Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah is here to assist you. By working with us we can help you get the compensation you deserve from insurance companies.
At Witt Law, we know how to handle single-, double- and multiple-car accidents. So long as you meet the damage threshold requirement and are less than 50% at fault, we can help.
Give us a call at 1-800-GET-WITT
Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are fun, fast, and are considered to be a very enjoyable means of transportation. However, as nice as they are, using a motorcycle is more risky than operating an automobile. Automobiles come equipped with various safety features including safety belts or harnesses, airbags, and a protective body. Motorcycles have none of these and leave the operator exposed and unconnected to their vehicle. In the event of an accident, motorcyclists are usually thrown off their bike. While there have been times when this has helped motorcyclists avoid disaster, more often than not, being thrown from a motorcycle will result in injury and the need for personal injury attorney St George Utah assistance.
If you have been in a motorcycle accident and are still alive, you should consider yourself lucky. Chances of fatal injuries are much higher in motorcycle accidents, and so are the chances of serious injury. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, be it with an automobile such as a car or truck, or from other circumstances outside of your control (road conditions, animals, obstacles on the road, etc.) then there are various ways that a Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah firm could be of service to you.
Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah practices such as Witt Law assist you, the injured party, as you go through the legal processes that are required by insurance companies before they will pay out compensation. Oftentimes there are complex legal procedures that come into play after a motorcycle accident, and having a professional and experienced team to guide you through the different challenges can help you meet deadlines, and stay on top of your workload. A big part of what we do at Witt Law is to help gather the necessary evidence and information to prove your case. Our job is to make sure that you are fairly compensated and that your rights are protected.
Witt Law has been helping motorcycle operators like you through injury cases for many years. We understand that auto-motorcycle or truck-motorcycle accidents can often be very traumatic, cause permanent injuries or even be fatal. While the initial medical bills will usually be covered by the motorcycle’s PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage, it is possible that it may not cover everything. We at Witt Law use our Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah practice to help motorcycle operators like you not only pursue fair compensation but find the additional help that you may need to recover from your injuries.
Motorcycles are popular because they instill a sense of freedom in their operators. Losing that to an accident and injury can be devastating. The road to recovery can be a long one, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Call Witt Law your Personal Injury Attorney St George Utah and let us guide you on your journey.
Got Hit? … Get Witt! At 1-800-GET-WITT
Pedestrian Accidents

Auto-pedestrian accident cases are very often traumatic and having a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm working with you is a great way to help protect yourself. In very few cases will the pedestrian fare better than the automobile and its occupants, and in almost all cases if the pedestrian is hit by the automobile and survives there will be injuries. Navigating the aftermath of an auto-pedestrian accident on your own can be very tricky, and there are a lot of factors that have to be considered before compensation can be paid out because the issue of comparative fault is often raised.
Comparative Fault, or Comparative Negligence as it is also called, is the legal term that refers to the calculated percentage of culpability for the accident. The state of Utah is a modified comparative negligence state meaning that if the plaintiff (the person bringing the suit or issue to court) is found at 50% or more fault for the cause of the accident, then they cannot recover any compensation for the injuries received. If the plaintiff is found at 49% or less, then they can receive the damage award for up to the percentage that they are found at fault.
While this may seem unfair, it is a lot better for the plaintiff in comparison with the other legal stance that some states take which is called contributory negligence. In those states, if the plaintiff is found to be at any fault, no matter if it is as small as 2%, they cannot receive any compensation for the damages caused to them. In Utah, even if decisions you made contributed to the accident as long as it is determined that they were less than 50% you can receive compensation. This is one reason why having a personal injury attorney St George Utah can benefit you.
Trying to prove cause and fault is challenging. There are many different factors to consider including but not limited to human factors, visibility issues, vehicle speed, witness reliability, infrastructure and road design, and much more. At Witt Law, we have years of experience with pedestrian-related auto accidents. Our personal injury attorney St George Utah team has experience and understanding in the fields of investigation and evidence gathering. We specialize in conducting witness interviews, documenting and preserving evidence, and analyzing data. These are all necessary skills to properly weigh circumstances in determining liability.
As your personal injury attorney St George Utah we understand that the days and weeks after your accident are stressful. We reduce stress and anxiety by dealing with the frustrating process of communicating with insurance companies. At Witt Law, we know how to combat attempts at shifting blame to the pedestrian, and if your case has to go to court we will be right there with you to guide you through it.
With Witt Law, you will have an increased chance of success. Our experience as a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm is invaluable. We have been down this same road many times before and know how to build a strong case and maximize the potential outcome. If you have been hit, then you need to call Witt.
Give us a call. We can help.
Bicycle Accidents

Auto-bicycle accidents can often be even more serious than auto-motorcycle accidents. Bicycles are smaller, quieter, and less predictable than motorcycles. Most bicycles have minimal traffic-related signals and safety features, making them far less noticeable than motorcycles. Additionally, there is no special training or license required to own and ride a bicycle, which means that anyone from a small child to an elderly adult can ride one as long as they can keep their balance. Many bicyclists are amateurs and don’t know the proper hand signals for communicating with traffic, but even when they do know them, many automobile operators do not.
Any one of these and other factors could result in a disastrous ending to your bike ride. If you have been involved in an auto-related bicycle accident you must speak to the personal injury attorney St George Utah specialists at Witt Law. Due to the unique nature of bicycle accidents, it is important to call an attorney early. Key evidence needed for proper investigation is often lost or destroyed, so the earlier your attorneys can get started the better. By hiring Witt Law we can then gather the necessary evidence and witness testimonies that we will need to present your case to your insurance companies, and court if it comes to that.
Where the claim involves a minor, as part of the resolution we also handle court approval of the claim and the appointment of a conservator of the minor’s estate. The conservator is usually a parent.
Yes. Just like with other types of auto accidents insurance companies, and Utah courts as well, are going to take comparative negligence or fault into account. This is another reason why having a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm like Witt Law on your case is so important with bicycle accidents. As we mentioned in the paragraph above, evidence in bicycle cases tends to disappear quickly. Most bicycle accidents happen in the daytime in rural areas. Due to daily traffic, and the relative ease of cleaning up after a bicycle accident, it is easy for the scene of the accident to become “disturbed” or “obscured.”
To properly establish fault, all aspects of the accident need to be taken into account including police reports, witness testimonies, location, time of day, and so much more. Keeping track of all of these details after the accident and injuries have occurred can be difficult. Working with a personal injury attorney St George Utah from Witt Law will allow you to keep the different aspects of your case in clear order. We not only help with the gathering of evidence, but also the storing, and presentation. We also take it upon ourselves to communicate with insurance companies on your behalf to make sure that they are getting the facts straight.
Remember that with Comparative Negligence you can still receive damage awards as long as you are less than 50% at fault. It is difficult to present the whole picture on your own. Let Witt Law’s personal injury attorney St George Utah specialists help you so that you can get the compensation that you deserve.
Got Hit? … Get Witt! At 1-800-GET-WITT
Dog Bites

If you have been bitten by a dog then you could have a possible case for damage awards. In Utah, there are strict rules in most counties about dog owners needing to keep their dogs on leashes and keep them under strict control. While the majority of domesticated dogs will not bite someone without provocation, some have a propensity for mischievous or harmful conduct. If you have been bitten by a dog, we invite you to contact our personal injury attorney St George Utah team.
Dog owners in Utah are strictly liable for personal injury damages that come as a result of their dog biting a person. Furthermore, the statutes that hold dog owners accountable for the injuries caused by their pets aren’t just there for dog bites. Dog owners are directly responsible for any injury or damage that is caused by their dogs. So if you have been scratched, knocked down, or threatened by a dog that acted like it wanted to bite you, you may still have a claim. If you have been injured in any way by a dog we invite you to speak with a personal injury attorney St George Utah from Witt Law.
If you are from out of state you might be familiar with a concept called the “one bite rule”, and may even expect it to come into play while in Utah. However, even though four out of six of the states surrounding Utah –Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming– practice the one bite rule, Utah does not. In Utah pet owners are held strictly liable for the actions of their pets.
The One Bite Rule vs. Utah’s Strict Liability Law
The one bite rule provides an avenue for leniency for the animal depending on whether or not the dog has a previous history of mischievous or vicious behavior. While this may give the impression that each dog is entitled to one free taste of a human being, this is not true. Animal owners are still held responsible for their animal’s actions, but an investigation may ensue to verify if the animal has a past propensity for bad and dangerous behavior. Even in states that practice the one bite rule, the animal doesn’t have to bite you to be investigated. Threatening behavior constitutes a viable reason in many cases.
In Utah law ( Section 18-1-1. Liability and damages for dog injury — Exceptions.) it states: “1. (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2) and (3), a person who owns or keeps a dog is liable for an injury caused by the dog, regardless of whether:
(i) the dog is vicious or mischievous; or
(ii) the owner knows the dog is vicious or mischievous.”
What that is saying is that no matter what the dog’s history or regular behavior is, if it bites someone, then the owner will be held liable.
Subsection 2 of the exceptions are for certain scenarios involving law enforcement, and subsection 3 refers to situations where animals or people trespass on the private property of the dog owner. In all other cases, the dog owner is liable for the damages caused by their pet.
Another key difference between Utah law and other state laws regarding dog bites is that Utah law has options for arbitration which can help resolve the dispute faster than normal court procedure.
At Witt Law, we take dog bites seriously and work with you to make sure that you are properly compensated. Dog bites and attacks are handled a little differently in Utah than in other states because Utah law states that dog owners are strictly responsible for damages caused by their canines to people, property, and even other animals with certain exceptions.
By having a personal injury attorney St George Utah from Witt Law on your case, you can get the help you need as you seek compensation for injuries caused by dogs. Your decision to take action could help save others from injury, so don’t hesitate. Call Witt Law today.
While dog bite insurance is available in Utah, it is not currently required that all dog owners have it. Under the “strict liability law” Dog owners are responsible for injuries caused by their canines and in cases where they do not have specific dog bite insurance, the owner’s homeowners’ insurance will cover these damages in many cases.
Please call us if you, a family member, a or friend is a victim of a dog bite or has been injured by any other domesticated animal. Just remember, “Got Bit? Call 1-800-GET WITT!”
Wrongful Death

When someone dies unexpectedly due to the fault of another, the family and friends of the individual are left asking questions like, “Why?” and “How did this happen?” Due to the severity of the case, what is at stake, and the potential number of survivors, hiring a seasoned personal injury attorney St George Utah firm like Witt Law, which handles wrongful death claims is a must.
“Wrongful death” is a legal term that refers to the death of an individual being caused by the negligence or foul play of another person. It is a broad term and encompasses anything from a medical professional making a wrong call, or failing to respond to a patient’s need to an intentional attack or crime that results in death like assault, robbery, manslaughter, and even murder. In these cases, there is almost always an injury that was done to the victim, as well as injury or harm that is caused to the family of the deceased in the form of medical bills, emotional pain, and new financial strain if the lost one is a key provider for the family.
If you have lost a loved one to what you believe to be a wrongful death scenario then we at Witt Law want you to know that we are here to help. While we can’t right the wrong, our personal injury attorney St George Utah team can help ease the burden of it. By working together with us, we can get to the bottom of what happened that led to the injury and loss of your loved one and put the proper claims in place to cushion the blow.
In Utah, it is required that all claims for wrongful death be filed in court. Furthermore, only specific people are allowed to file them. Those being the rightful heir of the deceased individual or the representative of their estate or trust.
A wrongful death claim is a very serious matter. A judge has to be the one to have the final say, and having a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm like the experts at Witt Law on your side will help your case have the success that you are hoping for. We have many years of experience handling these kinds of cases and understand the deep loss and other emotional and financial stresses that one goes through after the unexpected death of a loved one.
You don’t have to go through the process of court on your own. Let us, the professionals at Witt Law, support and guide you through the process. Call us today for a free consultation, and let’s get started on the path to getting you the compensation that you deserve.
Slip and Fall

Also referred to as premises liability, these accidents can occur indoors or outdoors. Landowners must take reasonable steps to make their premises safe for people they either invite or expect to be on their property. Failure to do so exposes them to liability. Slip and fall cases are typically aggressively defended by landowners and their insurers, so it is very important to retain an experienced personal injury attorney St George Utah to represent you.
If you have been injured on the property of another person, including that of a business, here are a few things to consider to see if you have a viable case.
Property owners are responsible for doing what they can to protect certain individuals who visit their property, so before speaking with a personal injury attorney St George Utah, it is important to establish a viable case of negligence on the part of the property owner in regards to safety concerns for expected visitors to their property.
Expected visitors come in three different categories:
- Invitees are individuals who have been invited to the property for a specific purpose. These could be anyone who comes with a professional purpose in mind such as gardeners, tutors, surveyors who are there to help out the private owner with a project or job, as well as family, friends, and customers.
- While employees are also considered invitees by the definition, most cases of registered employee injury will already be under consideration of workers comp. However, there are still situations where having a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm to represent you may be helpful.
- This term is a little trickier, but it is defined as those that aren’t necessarily invited, but have implicit or expected permission to be on the property. This could include neighbors, friends, or family members who stop by for a surprise visit, and also salesmen who while not invited, are allowed to enter your property to offer their services.
- Trespassing is the act of entering the private property of another person without express or implied permission. The act of trespassing is considered an unexpected event, and so homeowners are not liable for any injuries that happen on their property by unknown trespassers, and consulting a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm in such cases won’t do you any good.
- However, in cases where the property owner is aware of the trespasser from previous offenses on their property or that of people in the area, then the trespasser is no longer considered unexpected. Any danger related to the property should be marked for any expected visitors, so while you probably won’t win a suit for falling out of a tree on a remote edge of the property, you may have a case if you are bitten by a dog while accidentally on someone’s land, and there were no signs to warn of the dog or to ward off trespassers.
Traumatic Brain Injury

Marshall Witt has been a member of The Brain Injury Alliance of Utah (formerly Brain Injury Association of Utah). He has successfully handled many traumatic brain injury cases resulting from auto and truck accidents, near-drowning, slip and falls, premises liability (e.g., carbon monoxide poisoning), assaults, and sporting events. With each case, Mr. Witt puts together a medical-legal brain trauma team tailored to the unique needs of the case.
When it comes to the human brain there are still many aspects of it that we as human beings don’t fully understand. One aspect of the brain that still often baffles the scientific community is the drastic changes that can occur in someone’s life, health, and even behavior when they receive a traumatic brain injury. The brain is what controls our body’s functions, and when it is damaged there is no telling what changes might occur. These changes may be temporary or permanent, but in both cases, there exists a possibility that a personal injury attorney St George Utah may just be able to help you claim for damages.
If you or someone you love has had a traumatic brain injury and it is affecting your or their life and the ability to function at work or in society, then you need to talk to our specialist of personal injury attorney St George Utah Marshall Witt. Mr. Witt has worked with many different kinds of brain injury cases over his years in the practice, and he looks at each individually. This is key with brain injuries as they are so varied in not only how they happen but also how they affect the injured individual.
When you have a brain injury it can affect multiple key aspects of your life. While mild injuries might result in simple problems like headaches or increased sensitivity to sound or light, traumatic brain injuries affect life on a deeper level. Seizures, unrelenting headaches and migraines, loss of coordination, bouts of profound confusion, unusual feelings of aggression or depression, all of these and more can stem from a traumatic brain injury, and make doing “normal” things like work difficult.
If you have had a traumatic brain injury, personal injury attorney St George Utah Marshall Witt can help you get the help that you need while you wait for your brain to heal. Let Mr. Witt and his team do the leg work of your claim so that you can focus on healing. We take care of the investigation and prepare your case for the insurance companies and court if needed. So don’t feel like you need to shoulder the burden all on your own. Call Witt Law firm today and get the personal injury attorney St George Utah who specialize in traumatic brain injury cases on your side today.
Product Liability

When a company produces and sells a faulty product that results in injuries to their client base they can be called to justice using what is known as Product Liability. This is an important aspect of our market as it allows consumers like you and us to receive compensation for harm or loss caused by bad products. This helps keep businesses honest and protects consumers.
While it is not always easy to know if injuries were caused by bad products, there are some things to consider before taking your case to a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm like Witt Law. For instance, has the product in question malfunctioned for you or anyone you know before? Is the product within its stated time of warranty? In the case of consumable products, consider how you felt before and after you consumed the product. Have you had the same negative reaction in correlation with the product in the past? Have you had a similar negative reaction to other products?
Questions like these help your personal injury attorney St George Utah have a better understanding of the situation surrounding the product. We will ask similar questions to you and others who have used the product to see if there are similar stories. In many cases, a faulty product leaves a trail of injury, and by investing the trail it is possible solutions, as well as damages may come to light.
Yes. Anytime anyone suspects that they or someone they know has been injured by a product it is worth investigating. As a personal injury attorney St George Utah firm we have established connections for investigation and information that we have developed over the years. While not all situations will have enough evidence in the first instance to merit a full investigation, yours might not be the first one. Your situation may contain the evidence that allows for a bigger case to be created.
Witt Law has successfully handled many product liability claims over the years with our personal injury attorney St George Utah expertise. These cases included faulty products in the form of defective food, drugs, beverages, tools, toys, equipment, tires, brakes, seat belts, and other vehicle components. If you, a friend, or a family member has been injured due to what you believe was a defectively designed or manufactured product, or you were not warned of the danger it presented, please give WITT LAW OFFICES a call today. We can help.
Bus/Train/Truck Accidents

If you have been involved in an auto, pedestrian, motorcycle, or bicycle accident with a truck, train, or bus, then we invite you to call Witt Law, your personal injury attorney St George Utah firm, as soon as you can.
Bus accidents typically involve a governmental entity as the owner of the bus, which poses unique deadlines and time frames within which claims can be successfully pursued. If too much time is allowed to lapse between the action and requesting action it is possible that the window will permanently close and the possibility of getting compensation will disappear.
There are many unique aspects to train and semi-truck accidents that often need to be more fully investigated than an ordinary auto accident. Being that both trucks and trains may cross state lines as they ship products across the country both federal and Utah state laws that may come into play when dealing with these types of accidents. Call your personal injury attorney St George Utah Witt Law Offices early so we can get the right people to the scene and the vehicles thoroughly investigated before the evidence is gone, lost, or destroyed.
Commercial vehicles have larger policy limits, but successfully getting them to pay requires hiring the right law firm who knows how to handle the situation. It is better to have a law firm like Witt Law which has years of experience than a younger inexperienced attorney with cases relating to commercial vehicles.
In all cases where semi-trucks, trains, and buses are involved in an accident it is very important to have a thorough investigation to find out the true details of why it happened. These vehicles are bigger and more solid than average automobiles, and the resulting damage and injuries are usually worse as well, with the majority of the damage usually happening to the smaller vehicle and its occupants.
When looking for your personal injury attorney St George Utah to represent your case, you want to find one that is going to be thorough. At Witt Law, we take special care during the investigation process to make sure that everything is taken into account. We know the value of the little things that often slip through the cracks. In our 30+ years of experience as a law firm, we have successfully handled many cases involving commercial vehicles. We work hand in hand with our clients to make sure that they understand what is going on through each step of the process.
Witt Law Firm offers free consultations on all personal injury cases. If you have been injured in a semi-truck, train or bus accident, and aren’t sure what to do, give us a call and set up your free consultation with Witt Law today.